قسم التغذية
ا. هناء البكوش

ا. هناء البكوش

رئيس قسم التغذية كلية الصحة العامة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم، والصلاة والسلام على المبعوث رحمةً للعالمين نبينا محمد عليه أفضل الصلاة وأتم التسليم…

بما أننا نمر بمرحلة انطلاق شاملٍ في كافة المجالات نحو غدٍ مملوءٍ بالأمل وإيماناً بقيمة العلم والتحصيل، وتعظيماً لدور الجامعة في خدمة المجتمع؛ فإنني أعلن أننا لن ندخر جهداً؛ أساتذةً وإداريين وطلبةً في الأخذ بأحدث الطرق في مسيرة البحث العلمي في مجال التغذية ، والتركيز على حسن توظيف هذا العلم وترجمته إلى مهاراتٍ عملية تساعد في تعزيز التغذية الصحية للفرد والمجتمع، والحد من المشاكل الصحية الناتجة عن أخطاءٍ في التغذية سواءً بالإفراط أو بالقصور مما يؤثر على أجهزة الجسم ووظائفه الحيوية:

فإيماناً منا بأهمية هذا التخصص قد أُنشئ هذا القسم ليسعى إلى تخريج كفاءاتٍ عاليةٍ من أخصائيات التغذية العلاجية وتأهيلهم للعمل بالمستشفيات والمراكز الصحية المتخصصة ودور رعاية المسنين، ومراكز التربية الخاصة؛ ومراكز الرقابه علي الاغذية. فهو يهدف إلى الحد من المضاعفات المرضية المختلفة عن طريق تزويد المرضى بالحميات الغذائية المناسبة، الأمر الذي يجعل أخصائي التغذية عنصراً أساسياً في فريق المعالجة الطبية؛ فهو يسعى إلى أن يصبح مجتمعنا سليماً معافى، وتصبح عاداتنا الغذائية قويمة، فما يعالج بالغذاء لا يلزم له دواء.

نبذة عن القسم

تأسس قسم التغذية بسنة 1994 كأول قسم في كلية الصحة العامة، و الاول في ليبيا، و قد تخرج

من القسم عدد 20 دفعة. يُعني قسم التغذية بدراسة الغذاء والتغذية البشرية في كافة نواحيها الصحية والبيولوجية والفسيولوجية والكيماوية و الميكروبيولوجية علي جميع مراحل حياة الإنسان في الصحة والمرض وفي المساهمة بالقيام بالبحوث العلمية في مجال الغذاء والتغذية. ويهتم أخصائي التغذية بالتخطيط لبرامج التغذية الكبيرة والصغيرة وتحديد كميات ونوعيات المواد الغذائية التي يحتاجها البلد وكذلك دراسة لأمراض التغذية الموجودة في المجتمع ودراسة كيفية معالجتها ودراسة الطرق والأساليب المتبعة في إنتاج وتصنيع الأغذية ومدى تأثيرها علي القيمة الغذائية كما يهتم بمراقبة طرق تحضير وتقديم الأغذية للمواطنين ومدى تأثيرها علي صحة المستهلك وتقديم الإرشادات والضوابط والقوانين التي تلزم المنتجين بالوصول إلى إنتاج الغذاء الجيد السليم .

ومن أهم واجبات المختصين بعلم التغذية توجيه الفرد والمجتمع إلى اختيار الأطعمة الجيدة والمغذية وتكوين عادات غذائية سليمة وتغير العادات الغذائية الخاطئة وهذا يتطلب من أخصائي التغذية المعرفة الكاملة بما هو سائد في المجتمع من معتقدات وقناعات تغذية متوارثة واستعمال جميع الوسائل النفسية والاجتماعية والاقتصادية في سبيل تحقيق مستوى غذائي أفضل . ويمكن لخريجي القسم العمل في مجالات مختلفة كتغذية المجتمع،التغذية في المؤسسات الصحية،تغذية الفئات الخاصة،تغذية الطفل،التثقيف الغذائي،التغذية العلاجية والوقائية كما يعمل خريجو القسم على المجاميع الغذائية وطرق تحليلها.


يسعى قسم التغذية بكلية الصحة العامة لتبوء مكانة متميزة في تقديم الرعاية الطبية و الصحية على المستوى المحلي والأفريقي


إعداد كوادر وطنية مؤهلة من خلال بيئة تعليمية وبحثية ذات تقنيات عالية لتقديم خدمات تغذوية متميزة و ذات جودة عالية بما يلبي سوق العمل للرقي بصحة المجتمع .


1-  تخريج كوادر ذات كفاءة مهنية عالية في تخصصات الغذاء والتغذية.

2- تعزيز جودة عملية التعليم والتعلم التي تساعد على تدعيم التحصيل العلمي للطلبة.

3- الحث المتواصل على تميز المناهج وتطويرها والعمل على الموازنة بين الدراسة النظرية والتطبيق العملي

4- إتباع منهجيات قائمه على تنمية القدرة الإبداعية لتحقيق الكفاءة والجودة النوعية للخريج.

5- التأكيد على إدخال طرق واساليب حديثة للتعلم بإشرا ك الطلاب في العملية التعليميّة بعيد ا عن الأساليب التقليديّة.

6- تعزيز ثقافة البحث العلمي لدى الطلبة بكافة المستويات في خطوة لتطوير علم التغذية والغذاء.

7- القيام بالأبحاث التطبيقية في مجال التغذاء والتغذية والمساهمة في ايجاد الحلول المناسبة للمشاكل الصحية المتعلقة بالتغذية في ربوع ليبيا.

8- تنمية وتطوير الأداء الأكاديمي لأعضاء هيئة التدريس من اجل زيادة كفاءة مخرجات القسم.

  • السعي على عمل توأمه بين القسم وأقسام التغذية بالجامعات العربيه والأجنبية لغرض التجدد الستمر.

10- تعزيز التعاون والشراكة مع المؤسسات المحلية والإقليمية والعالمية للارتقاء بالقسم علميا.

11- التشجيع على نشرالمعرفة التغذوية الصحية السليمة وأمراض سوء التغذية للمجتمع.

12- عقد المؤتمرات المحلية والعالمية وورش العمل والندوات والبرامج التدريبية لرفع كفاءة الطلاب وأعضاء هيئة التدريس.

الهيكل التنظيمي

الهيكل التنظيمي لقسم التغذية

الهيكل التنظيمي لقسم التغذية

البرنامج العلمي

المقررات الدراسية: قسم التغذية

رقم المادة اســـــــم المادة الساعات المعتمدة
ND3203 Clinical Nutrition Practice 8

Clinical Nutrition


ND3202  Applied Nutrition 2
ND3207 Nutrients 3
ND3206  Food Chemistry 4
ND3206 Food Chemistry Lab 4
ND3204 Food Microbiology 2
ND3204 Food Microbiology Lab 2
FR 3113

Communicable & Non Communicable Disease


ND3122 Research Methodology 3
ND3122 Research Methodology Practice 3
FR 3410


Health Legislation



FR 3501 Health Informatics 2 4
FR 3117 Forensic Medicine 2
ND 414

Dietetics Practice


ND 4210 Dietetics 3
ND 4213   Applied Nutrition II 2
ND 4212 Food Hygiene 2
ND 4214  Food Analysis 2
ND 4214 Food Analysis Lab 2
ND 4216 Food preservation 2
ND 4211 Food Stuff 2
ND 4209 Public Health Practice of Nutrition 2
FR 4121 Health Informatics 3 2
ND 4217 Project 4
وصف المقررات

Course Description of Nutrition Program

ND3203          Clinical Nutrition

Prerequisites: FR 2201 Nutrition, FR 1107 Physiology, FR 1102 Anatomy & Histology

Definition and distinction between types of malnutrition, learn the methods of nutritional assessment, knowing the body measurements and the daily caloric needs of an individual in different stages of life, determine the necessary nutritional needs and distribute them to the daily meals of the individual in different life stages, and to applying and integrating knowledge of nutrition and basic sciences as it applies to nutrition assessment.

ND3203          Clinical Nutrition Practice

Prerequisites: FR 2201 Nutrition, ND3203 Clinical Nutrition

This course focuses on deepening and expanding students’ knowledge in the field of applied nutrition. The course includes the following topics: Physiological changes and nutritional needs are known and discussed throughout the life cycle, such as pregnancy, lactation, and aging. The course also includes courses to study the diet of athletes as well as the nutritional behavior of vegetarians.,  study of the factors and effect of nutrients on drug interactions and the extent of the effect of food on drug absorption and metabolism  and enhancing  the student to properly understand the stages of life and the physiological changes that occur and their relevance to nutrition.

ND3202          Applied Nutrition

Prerequisites: FR 2201 Nutrition, FR 1107 Physiology

This course examines the basic principles in the field of applied nutrition and the role of nutrition, and describes the physiological, social and behavioural components associated with human growth and development, as shown in the stages of life from childhood, adolescence and the impact of these components on nutrition and health, describing special nutritional needs and recommended guidelines for the two stages of childhood And adolescence, describing methods of using scientific studies and related medical research in making nutritional practice decisions based on scientific evidence and also demonstrating the ability to apply knowledge of the role of nutrition, food, and lifestyle choices to develop interventions that affect change and promote health in various individuals and groups throughout the life cycle.

ND3207          Nutrients

Prerequisites: FR 2201 Nutrition, FR 1104 Biochemistry

In this course, the student mastered these goals, provided he studied biochemistry, basic principles of micronutrient metabolism and the role of nutrition, the health consequences of poor dietary practices and the role of nutrition in disease prevention, understanding how energy is balanced to maintain weight and how our bodies use energy through the metabolism process. He explained the three types of metabolism, metabolism and the biochemical roles of nutrients with a major focus on micronutrients, a list of risk factors and potential complications of obesity, a description of obesity treatments and a description of diabetes conditions. So are the differences between type 1 diabetes and type 1 diabetes, and a list of risk factors and potential complications of diabetes

ND3206          Food Chemistry

Prerequisites: FR 2201 Nutrition, FR 1104 Biochemistry

The student in this course mastered these objectives on the condition that he study the biochemistry and basic principles of the metabolism of micronutrients, the role of nutrition and the health consequences of poor food practices and the role of nutrition in the prevention of the following diseases. ), Chemical reactions that occur in food during ripening or processing, the effect of chemical changes on the organoleptic properties of the food, the nutritional value of the food and the identification of the health effects on the food.

ND3206          Food Chemistry Lab

Prerequisites: ND320 Food Chemistry

In this course, the student applies all the experiments studied in the previous theoretical part ND320.

ND3204          Food Microbiology

Prerequisites: FR 1108 Microbiology, ND320 Food Chemistry

 This course aims to know all types of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, viruses, yeasts and parasites) and the lines and methods of their entry into food in addition to the characteristics of these organisms and their growth conditions, methods of controlling them and destroying their entryways to food and preventing them, providing complete knowledge about the organisms Microorganisms in food in terms of epidemics and microorganisms from a public health standpoint and perspective, explaining and clarifying the importance of food security and safety and the role of microorganisms in food production and destruction and food poisoning, and teaching students to take samples and microbial test methods, microbial standards and standards, interpretation Microbial test result




ND3204          Food Microbiology Lab 

Prerequisites: ND3204 Food Microbiology

In this course, the student applies all the experiments studied in the previous theoretical part ND3204.

FR 3113          Communicable & Non Communicable Disease

Prerequisites: FR 2108 Parasitology, FR 2109 Pathology, FR 2112 Epidemiology

This course ddemonstrate the knowledge of the dynamics of transmission of communicable diseases, and demonstrate the principle routes of disease transmission.

FR 3501          Health Informatics 2

Prerequisites: FR 2111 Computer science

This course aims at introducing health informatics as a concept, field of study and knowledge branch, introducing health information systems and electronic medical records, introducing the technical, social and organizational aspects of health information systems, understanding the principles of dealing with the electronic spreadsheet program and training in its use

ND3122          Research Methodology

Prerequisites: ND3122 Research Methodology, FR 3501 Health Informatics 2

In this course the student need to knowing the basic principles in the field of scientific research methods, definition of scientific research methods, concepts and types ,knowing the steps of scientific research methods ,aapplying scientific research steps in the field of public health, and knowing how to write scholarly research for scientific research

ND3122          Research Methodology Practice

In this course, the student applies all research steps in a proposal form studied in the previous theoretical part ND 3122 and also to do practice on SPSS application.


FR 3410          Health Legislation

Prerequisites: FR 1106 Basic of public health, FR 2402 Health Education

This course aims at creating a legislative and legal information base in the health field, developing legal (health) awareness among health professionals, providing legal reference for various forms of work in health fields, developing study and research work on the status and development of legislation, laws, regulations and systems related to health and explaining Clarifying the importance of health legislation from the logic and approach of scientific research in feeding society.

FR 3117          Forensic Medicine

Prerequisites: FR 1107 Physiology, FR 1102 Anatomy & Histology

Provide basic back ground of different medico-legal aspects of living and dead individuals, provide ability to diagnose and treat common intoxicated patients and provide1st aid and general lines of treatment, provide the ability to diagnose deaths from poison, and provide basic back ground of different medico-legal aspects of living and dead individuals.

ND 4210         Dietetics  

Prerequisites: ND3203 Clinical Nutrition

This course aims to understand the principles of the functional approach to nutritional healthو understand how clinical nutrition can be approached in a manner consistent with the principles of treatment, with special attention to concepts of promoting patient health and eliminating interference, understand the causes and effects of disease on the patient’s nutrition, be able to use the correct therapeutic nutrition for every health problem and monitor the health status of the patient, and understand the role of nutrients in their benefits and repair patient referral in order to help patients recover quickly and naturally.

ND 414           Dietetics Practice

Prerequisites: ND3203 Clinical Nutrition practice, ND 4210 Dietetics

This course based on Dietetics Practice course defining nutritional deficiencies by measuring the nutritional status, defining nutritional problems related to diseases, working to determine the appropriate food list for each disease, being able to use the correct therapeutic nutrition for each health problem and monitoring the health status of the patient understand the role of nutrients in their benefits and repair the patient’s referral in order to help patients recover quickly and naturally.

ND 4213           Applied Nutrition II

Prerequisites: ND3202          Applied Nutrition

In this course the student need to knowing the basic Principles in Applied Nutrition and the Role of Nutrition, this course focuses on deepening and expanding students’ knowledge in the field of applied nutrition. The course includes the following topics: Physiological changes and nutritional needs are known and discussed throughout the life cycle such as pregnancy, lactation and aging. The course also includes courses to study the diet of athletes as well as the nutritional behavior of vegetarians, the study of factors and the effect of nutrients on drug interactions and the extent of the effect of food on absorption and Medication metabolism: Enabling students to have a correct understanding of life stages and the physiological changes that occur and their relationship to nutrition, and dietary testing including stool fat determination and glucose testing.

ND 4214         Food Analysis

Prerequisites: ND3206 Food Chemistry

In this course the student need to knowing the methods of withdrawing food samples and preparing them for analysis, identifying the different methods of analyzing traditional and modern foods, the different methods for estimating moisture, protein, fat and ash, methods of expressing the concentrations of solutions and identifying the methods of withdrawing food samples with modern methods.

ND 4214         Food Analysis Lab

Prerequisites: ND3206 Food Chemistry lab, ND 4214 Food Analysis

In this course, the student applies all the experiments studied in the previous theoretical part ND 4214.

ND 4212         Food Hygiene

Courses based on: ND 4216 Food preservation,   ND 4211 Food Stuff

The importance of  this course to knowing the importance of  hygiene for product quality and safety, definition of hygienic food and general principles of food hygiene. Who is responsible for food hygiene or hygienic food? Sanitary measures related to the place of food production Hygiene measures related to facilities and equipment in the food industry healthy water used in food factories, and methods of sterilization and disinfection

ND 4216         Food preservation 

Courses based on: ND 4216 Food preservation,   ND 4211 Food Stuff

Learn the basics of food preservation, learn about different preservation methods, the ability to compare the different types of devices used for preservation and their impact on product quality and nutritional value, learn about the importance of preserving food using different methods of preservation, real knowledge of the effects of preservation of all kinds on the nutritional value of food, effects Health preservation methods for different methods and clarify the importance of its role in educating the community.



ND 4211         Food Stuff

Courses based on: ND 4216 Food preservation,   ND 4211 Food Stuff

Describe the main components of the major food groups, describe ways to use relevant scientific studies and medical research in making evidence-based nutritional practice decisions regarding, and demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of the role of nutrition and food, and lifestyle choices to develop interventions that influence change and promote Health in different individuals and groups throughout the life cycle.

ND 4209         Public Health Practice of Nutrition 

Prerequisites: FR 1106 Basic of public health, FR 2402 Health Education

Knowing the concepts, philosophy, fields and programs of public health and its relations with health services, the three levels of health care, knowledge of basic sciences and principles on which public health is built and practiced, knowledge of health problems and diseases related to public health, providing complete knowledge about community nutrition from a health standpoint and perspective General, explaining and clarifying the importance of food and nutrition from the logic and approach of scientific research in community nutrition

FR 4121          Health Informatics 3

Prerequisites: FR 3501 Health Informatics 2

To provide the student with the basic concepts of information systems management and their applications in the field of health, students gain a strong background in data mining and its applications and uses, enable the students to create health databases by using the MS ACCESS program

ND 4217         Project

Graduation project The student chooses the area in which he wants to study with coordination with one of the faculty members and it is considered a condition for graduation from the department and obtaining a bachelor’s degree

برنامج الدراسات العليا

تمنح جامعة  بنغازي وبناءً على توصية من كلية الصحة العامة اجازة التخصص العالي (درجة الماجستير) والاجازة الدقيقة (الدكتوراة) في أحدى فروع التخصصات التي تدرسها

اللائحة الداخلية للدراسات العليا


اعضاء هيئة التدريس


مايو 2024
د ن ث أرب خ ج س
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